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/ Games to Treasure / Games to Treasure - Disc 2.iso / emerald / gradk_z / mug1.zip

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File Comment
This archive is from The Emerald Shareware Games Collection 

Text (17)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
INTRO.MUG Text File 1 7KB 1988-05-14
KEYS.MUG Text File 11 100b 1980-01-01
MOBILES.MUG Text File 1 4KB 1988-05-13
MUG.DAT Text File 206 7KB 1988-08-16
MUG.DRS Text File 1 21KB 1988-05-02
MUG.MES Text File 1 77KB 1988-05-14
MUGPLAYR.1 Text File 1 4KB 1988-08-17
MUGPLAYR.2 Text File 1 4KB 1988-05-18
MUGPLAYR.3 Text File 1 4KB 1988-05-18
MUGPLAYR.4 Text File 1 4KB 1988-05-18
MUGPLAYR.5 Text File 1 4KB 1988-05-18
MUGPLAYR.6 Text File 1 4KB 1988-05-18
MUGPLAYR.7 Text File 1 4KB 1988-05-18
MUGPLAYR.8 Text File 1 4KB 1988-05-18
OBJECTS.MUG Text File 1 11KB 1988-05-10
READ.ME1 Text File 32 1KB 1989-06-18
READ.ME2 Text File 51 3KB 1988-05-14

Other Files (4)
MUG.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 73KB 1989-06-18
MUGLIB.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 18KB 1989-06-18
MUGLIB.DAT Unknown 11KB 1988-06-19
PLAYERS.MUG Unknown 266b 1988-08-17